The way you look and feel comes from acquired eating and self-maintenance habits. Those who put the time in often appear younger and healthier than their age. However, people who have a poor diet and reckless habits often appear much older than their actual age and unhealthy. Thankfully, you can improve the way you look and feel.


Harmful Bad Habits

Everybody has a few habits that you may find annoying. However, there are other acquired habits, either through peer pressure or boredom, that can have potentially life-threatening results. Smoking, drugs, and alcohol are a few of the common culprits. Nicotine in cigarettes is highly addictive, making it hard for someone to quit on their own. Drugs and alcohol become one with the internal body and the mind quickly adapted to them and now needs them to exist. If you want to not only look and feel good but live a healthier life, do everything you can to quit today. 


Proper Amount of Sleep

Woman sleeping

Many adults find that falling asleep is nearly impossible. They go through their days on half their energy and with lost focus. When you sleep, your body begins the nightly process of repairing the body, developing muscles, calming your emotions, and restoring energy.

Without the proper amount of rest, you awake lethargic with an invisible cloud hanging over your head. You may easily become irritated and sensitive and have aches and pains. Taking a hot bath shortly before you retire and a natural herb like ashwagandha to alleviate stressful thoughts will allow you to fall asleep.


Benefits of a Healthy Diet

Eating foods high in nutrition gives your body the tools to sustain well-being. Fresh fruits and vegetables with a high concentration of vitamin C, B vitamins and antioxidants along with good fats sourced from fish and nuts will improve the condition of your hair and nails and give your skin a healthy glow. Proteins found in poultry and lean meats will enhance the development of firm muscles and reduce fat pockets, allowing you to sustain a healthy weight. 


The Importance of Water

The body is made up of more than 60 percent water, so it only makes sense that you need to replenish the supply daily. Water acts as a natural lubricant for joints and helps you maintain sufficient amounts of saliva and mucus. Water helps to deliver oxygen through the body and improves skin health. It also reduces the visible signs of aging, such as fine lines, crepey skin, and wrinkles. Water acts as a cushion for the brain, allowing you to respond and focus easily. Water can also regulate your body temperature by cooling it naturally when you become hot. It also promotes regular bowel movements and prevents dehydration. Additionally, it can help you maintain a healthy weight and thwart headaches. 


Maintain a Positive Outlook

Refraining from negative thoughts can have a positive influence on the way you look and feel. When you succumb to worry and negativity, it can consume your mind and leave you feeling lost and without control in your life. Adopting a positive way of looking at any situation will allow you to better cope and prevent stress and anxiety from occurring. An overload of stress can lead to premature aging, chronic pain, and mental illness. 


Acquire a Hobby

One way to feel good is to do the things you enjoy doing. Find something that makes you happy and incorporate it into your life. You may enjoy gardening, making crafts, or dancing. Whatever it is, do it. 

If you aren’t feeling or looking as good as you would like, make the necessary changes that promote inner peace and sustained physical and mental health. 

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