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The Source of That “ICKY” Feeling of Rejection + 3 Steps To Healthy Acceptance

Rejection feels “icky” doesn’t it? It hits that space in us that we are uncomfortable with. That space that reminds us that we perhaps aren’t good enough or worthy enough. It reminds us of those childhood memories we would much rather forget. It just doesn’t feel good to be rejected by others.

We’ve all experienced it at some point in our lives, perhaps regularly. That feeling of wanting to retreat and hide in our “caves” after someone has rejected us or made us feel as if we weren’t “in the in crowd”. Or perhaps that family member who spoke to you in a manner that contradicts the symbol and role they are supposed to play in your life, confirming that “people are selfish or out to get you” It could also be the lost client contract or the new connection you made with someone on line who’s positive energy wasn’t favorably returned. It happens to us all at one time as we all have this undercurrent desire to be accepted and connected to each other. It’s normal for us to want to bond with others and co-exist with others. It’s part of our human DNA – but when rejection begins to take over our human existence, the feeling of wanting to be accepted begins to appear in an unhealthy way.

You know…

  • Seeking approval over and over from others and feeling “empty” when not reciprocated
  • Not knowing when it’s time to let go of a relationship or connection
  • Making personal decisions based on what others think of you…
  • The ironic disconnect from others (i.e. isolation or indifference because the world isn’t giving you “your way”)or the most common for most people…


Living your entire life against the flow of your LIFE PURPOSE.



What I have learned and still learn is how to not avoid rejection or to denounce my need for acceptance but to understand it’s source and therefore process it in a manner that honors who I am. Instead of striping away or breaking down who I am. I realize that all of life is a symbol – but those symbols don’t have to become who I am as I give meaning to the world around me. My PURE Source view of the world gives me the power to give meaning to my emotions and feelings instead of allowing the world to do it for me.

I recall moments of feeling rejected from peers or clients and even loved ones. In my process of uncovering the “why” I realized this was a longing for connection with a parent or parent figure in my past. Once I reconciled those issues, the feeling of “acceptance” now pushes me in a positive direction (as opposed to a negative reaction i.e  isolation, disdain, indifference) to honor my desire for connectedness with others and linking with those who honor themselves and those around them.


For you I share this in hopes that you look at your relationships with others in truth and love, to not judge why another person may or may not want to engage in a project with you or not accept your invitation or drop off your list. In our personal lives, not to take personal attacks personally when a loved one doesn’t appear to you as they should. Do not internalize others “no” as a count against your worth and therefore sum up your existence as “I’ll just stick to myself” (that’s BIG EGO “World Source” talk).  We all need each other in some way…connect to your reasons for any negative energy or emotions and seek positive.



  • Learn the source of your REAL Power – knowing who you are is important to building healthy relationships with others. Learn to forgive those in your past who didn’t help so you can move on.
  • Trust what you know about yourself – and be that person. Not the bitter person or the indifferent person but the positive, happy person who thrives off positive connections with others. Be You more often.
  • Stop comparing your accomplishments or life in general with others. We all have a unique journey in life and learning to appreciate what is unique about your journey attracts others to you AND provides the confidence you need to process rejection (in any form) in a manner that is healthy and Liberating.


About Author: Katrina M. Harrell is founder of Business Liberation, LLC, a Life + Business Strategy Company that empowers women entrepreneurs to create, build & market innovative and profitable business models reflective of their divine purpose. She is also author of Best Seller, Embrace.Your.Journey: 180-Day Journey of Spiritual Transformation for the Woman Entrepreneur, available now at Also Register FREE TODAY for the 21 Day Mental DETOX Challenge  and receive a FREE Preview chapter of Embrace your Journey by clicking here.

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