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Spirituality comes to the forefront when you hit your forties. For women, feeling stressed in their personal lives, it plays a huge part in relieving or creating stress. It can fill a long-time void allowing you to know you are never alone.

You are at midlife now and you begin to question everything in your world. You either left an unhappy marriage at some point to discover yourself or you are still in that unhappy situation wondering what course of action will best serve you.

Turning to spirituality not only meets a basic human need at this point but also allows you a new avenue to decrease stress across your life by giving you basis to define the world and how it functions – in your own eyes and heart.

Follow these 5 tips to get you on track and simplify that journey.

1. Define what spirituality means to you. This step is the key to what follows so take your time to go within and notice what you feel when you think of that word. Write down everything that comes to mind. Write non-stop without editing or censoring your words.

2. Determine how you can put into practice what you believe works for you. Many people find that ritual helps maintain and reinforce what they believe. For some it also deepens the actual experience.

You may explore what others do or just be creative. After all, doesn’t everybody really make it up to suit their needs anyway?

3. Find someone else who shares your beliefs or similar beliefs so you can speak your ideas.  The intention here is never to convince anyone else that your concepts are the only Truth. To the contrary, discussing and explaining what you feel and believe clarifies your own thoughts. When you say something out loud it becomes more real for you.

4. Nothing is ever set in stone.   That includes your spiritual beliefs. What feels right for you today may not feel the same tomorrow. That is okay. Always go with how you feel in the moment.

For that reason having a friend with whom you can discuss your feelings, someone who will not feel threatened by what you say or try to convince you that you are wrong, can prove to be very important.

Can you get along never sharing what you think and feel? Of course. However, as community beings living in isolation feels less comfortable especially when you start to question your own beliefs because you got yourself all confused some how.

5. Enjoy your life. Spirituality is a celebration of life and all that is. Live in that spirit that leaves you feeling good and stress-free.
Spirituality is never about conforming to beliefs and feeling all stressed if you do something wrong, step the wrong direction or think the improper thought.

Spirituality completes your life as an essential piece of the whole that is you. After all you are a Spiritual Being living a Human experience.

About Author: Since the age of five, Ali Bierman’s concern for the happiness of others has consumed her. She get high when she see a smile break out or hear the ease of relief and smile over the phone.  People always told her how much better they felt after talking to her, that just her voice calmed them down.  She pursued the path of raising people’s Personal Happiness Quotient first as a psychotherapist and then as a specialized kinesiologist, author and teacher.

For a FREE copy of Ali’s brand new Special Report: 25 Tips to Eliminate Stress Now Click here to get your GIFT copy now.

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