overworked business woman with stickers on computer, a lot of things to do

Image Credit: Fotalia

Imagine that your day job was a stress-free, tranquil invigorating environment? Faced with the challenge of launching a part-time business, the last thing you need is a 9-5 that continually maxes out your stress card. Unfortunately, most of us work in a place where constant change and multi-tasking are the standard, not an exception. Stress generated from your day job impacts the energy and focus you have available for your part-time business.

So what’s a savvy employed preneur to do? Here are six ways to proactively deal with stress at your full time job, so you can be more productive in your part-time business.

S – Systemize: You’d be surprised by the amount of stress that not having a routine creates. Going into work knowing the first 5 things you will do each morning immediately creates focus and eliminates feeling chaotic or rushed. What you can do to create a consistent morning routine? What about an after lunch routine and a process for closing out your work day. Having systems in place can also help you become more organized which means less clutter and reduced stress.


T – Talk: A Gallup Panel study done in 2011 found that socializing with just one person can improve your mood considerably. Having someone to talk with or share an occasional vent with means having an ally in your corner. Just knowing that someone is there to lend an ear lessens the stress of feeling like you have to hold everything in. If there are no options for creating allies with colleagues on your team, consider groups outside of your immediate department. Depending on your situation, it may make sense to create allies outside of your organization. Either way – the goal is to talk about what’s going on rather than hold everything inside.


R- Refresh: When an internet browser gets overloaded and starts to slow down, one of the recommended actions is to hit the “Refresh” button. You can do the same thing during the day – when you feel overloaded and start to slow down because of too much multi-asking. Refresh by clearing your desk, organizing the work by priority. Take a 5 minute water break and then come back to your desk and work each item one at a time. Or if you’ve been heads down on one task for too long, refresh by working on something else.


E – Exercise: Most of us know the feeling of stress from an emotional perspective. What we are not always aware of is the way we carry stress in our body. We get the 21st email request and get a head ache or we see a certain phone number come up on caller ID and our shoulders hunch up as if we’ve just been dealt a blow. Exercise – something as simple as a stretch or brief walk around the block is a great way to loosen up and physically de-stress.


S – Speak Up: It’s probably safe to say that it’s not a good idea to scream at your boss or colleagues. But the opposite is not a good choice either. When it comes to work, holding in your frustration, disappointment, or anger can create stress for you personally and for your work relationships. Instead of holding it in when your suggestion is passed over, or when your boss gives you conflicting instructions or a colleague once again flakes on their responsibilities leaving you with more work – speak up. If you’re not sure how to start speaking up find a coach or mentor to help you.


S – Sleep: Sometimes the stress we feel at work is not work related at all. A lack of sleep can exaggerate feelings of frustration and anxiety, and “feed” your stress. Finding a way to take a small cat nap during the day will not only ease your stress – it can be another way to recharge. Depending on the kind of smart phone you have, you can use the device to play soothing sounds and serve as a timer. Outside of work, try going to bed at a regularly scheduled time and having a good breakfast each morning.


Chances are that as an employedpreneur you are pushing the boundaries of time by holding down a day job and making the space for launching your business. Anything you can do to minimize the stress of your day job puts you in a better position to launch smart and land profitable.

About Author: Tai Goodwin is a launch while working coach and employedpreneur advocate, helping ambitious professionals go from employee to entrepreneur without quitting their day job. You can start creating your own path towards purpose, passion, and prosperity with her free ebook, 77 Profitable Part-time Business Ideas: http://www.launchwhileworking.com/bizideas.

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