As a busy mum, working from home and juggling the demands of parenting and growing your business, how do you find time to care for yourself? I would like to share with you seven simple ways you can easily slip “two minutes time out vacations” to relax your mind and refresh your spirits.

Time Out Is Important

From personal experience I know how tiring and hard it is to carve out “Me-Time” – especially if you work from home where the lines between family time and work time blur. One minute you are thinking of ways to develop your latest project and the next you have to down tools, cook dinner and ferry your “darling babies” to their various social and after school activities.

In the midst of all this activity your mind is on constant alert, trying to hold and remember all the other 101 commitments you said yes to.

Lack Of Time Out Leads To Burn-Out

Constantly living life in the fast lane, managing conflicting deadlines from work and family leaves you frazzled, tired and exhausted. If your mind is on constant overdrive and the thought of taking time-out scares you, than that is a sure-fire sign you need to stop and reassess your life direction. Sometimes, this isn’t possible. Most of us do not the luxury of taking a year out or going on five-star spa breaks every season.

However, to do your best – to give your full attention to your work, care for your family and keep an eye on your well-being you need to find ways to build in some form of rest and relaxation into your day.

If you catch yourself looking ragged, worn-out and constantly nagging and yelling at your kids. Stop. Take a breather and practice any one of the following seven 2 minute-time-out tips.

Seven Two Minute Time-Out Activities

  • Smile. What makes you happy? Daydream and remember something or someone who lights up your life. Maybe your child brought home one of their art work creations home and proudly gave it to you. Maybe you saw something funny on the school run, which made you laugh. Just spend two minutes vividly recalling all the sensations and thoughts of that happy moment.
  • Breathe Deeply. Throughout your day take deep yogic breaths especially when you feel anxious and worried at the length of your To-Do list. Simply rest your hands on your lap, sit up straight and breathe in slowly and fully through your nose for a count of three and slowly breathe out through your nose. Repeat 3-5 times. You will feel energised, calm and refocused.
  • Open your heart. Take time, every day to look in the mirror and say “I Love You” as you give yourself a hug. Look deep into your reflection and be happy with what you see. Release judgement and just be glad you are you. Remind yourself just how special and worthy you are. No one else in this planet can do what you do
  • Trust yourself. You are your own keeper and guide. Even though you wear the label of mother, partner, sister, daughter, friend, entrepreneur or employee, ultimately the only label you wear is the one that nurtures your soul. Learn to trust yourself. To have faith in you and follow your dreams. Grab a pen and sheet of paper and spend two minutes drawing your dream life. Then pin your drawing up and let your art work take centre stage on the fridge door for a change.
  • Meditate. Find a quiet space and each day sit there. Sit quietly and practice a simple meditation. If you don’t have a quiet zone, sit on the stairs and meditate. You can practice a simple breathing meditation anywhere, anytime. If you feel more active, then practice a walking meditation along the hall way.
  • Romance. Find time, every day to treat yourself. Have play dates with friends or just by yourself. Enjoy relaxed informal breaks in the park, go to the cinema and see a movie, buy yourself flowers, sit outside and watch the moon, wear a top which makes your heart sing and brings colour to your cheeks.
  • Sign up for an inspirational daily tip. When the tip lands in your inbox, take a few moments to relax and read the inspirational message/story. Read aloud, reflect and ponder a while about the deeper meaning and impact the message has on you.

So, there you have it. seven simple steps to support your wish for two minutes peace and quiet in your hectic life.. It isn’t easy, yet the more time you invest in yourself, the more energy you have to navigate the ups and downs of family home work life.

And now, would you like more self care and time-out tips? Then I invite you to visit my blog and subscribe to my Free YogaInspiresYou enewsletter, full of practical inspirations and ideas how to weave yoga relaxation exercises into your everyday life.

Plus when you subscribe you will get your Free Instant Access to “Yoga For Beginners-All The Facts And Advice You Need To Start Your First Yoga Class” eBook. Click here for more info

About Author:  Ntathu Allen guides and teaches busy women how to de-stress and relax through yoga. Author, Blogger, Yoga and Meditation Teacher, Ntathu offers you easy yoga routines to weave through your day so you feel alert, energized and nurtured. Mother of three creative teen daughters, yoga and writing helps Ntathu to be present and enjoy life.


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