Image Credit: Fotolia

Image Credit: Fotolia

Writing a blog post is not just about the actual act of writing the blog.  Once the blog is written, there are several things that must be done to ensure a successful blog post, many to do with the promotion of your post.  Having a write it and they will come mentality will not work.  You must let others know about your blog.  Below is a short business blogging checklist with things you should do with every blog post you write.

  1. Create a Must Read Headline
    The title of your article will be the first thing seen.  Make it compelling.  Make them want to read it.
  2. Proofread
    While this should go without saying, make sure you proofread every blog post for spelling and grammatical errors.  There is nothing worse than reading a great article only to find it difficult to read because there are so many errors.  Two other ways to proofread is to read your post aloud.  I have found many mistakes this way.  Another way is to have a friend read your post.  A fresh pair of eyes can catch mistakes you miss.
  3. Find an Image
    Adding an image to your blog post helps to break up the text which makes it easier for your readers to read your post.  Images also help to convey the point you are trying to make.  For SEO (Search Engine Optimization) purposes, remember to include an alternative tag (alt-tag) for your image.  Also be sure to give proper credit to whom it belongs.
  4. Create a Meta Description Tag
    What’s a meta description tag?  The meta description is the 160 character description that appears on the search engine results page below the title.  The meta description tag let’s those searching a particular set of keywords read what the page is about.  This description should make the reader want to click on your link.
  5. Promote Your Blog Posts on Your  Social Media Platforms
    Once you have completed your post, make sure to promote them on your social media platforms.  With any blog,  it is easy to create several social media posts.  Use a URL shortener like to shorten you links; this comes in handy with Twitter since you are limited to 140 characters. Don’t just post the title and link.  You also need to  include a teaser, something that will make those who see your post want to click on that link to read your article.
  6. Add it in Your Newsletter
    I have a section in my newsletter which links to the last three blog articles on my site.  This lets those who have not had time to go to the blog know the latest information I have added.
  7. Promote Your Post in Your Email Signature
    Another great way to promote your blog is to place a link to your most recent blog post in your email signature.  Imagine how many emails you send out each day-this is prime real estate!
  8. Make the Important Points Stand Out
    Most people do not have time to sit and read your posts word for word so make it easy for them to skim  picking up on the most important points by making the text bold.

Did I miss anything on the list?  What do you make sure you do with each of your blog posts?

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