An Interview with Natalie Buske Thomas: Author, Artist & Entertainer 

Sylvia: Hi Natalie, it’s a pleasure to meet you and I am excited to share your story. Please tell us about you and your book.

Natalie Buske Thomas

Photo Credit: Natalie Buske Thomas

Natalie: Hello Sylvia. Thank you for providing this platform. I am an author, artist and entertainer. My oil paintings are used as book covers. My experience as a vocalist, theater director and dance teacher lends itself well to public speaking events and workshops. Between books I was living my life, and while living my life I was preparing for my career as an author. Several years ago it seemed as if my dreams of having a career as a mystery novelist were fading, but while I was living my life I was unknowingly preparing myself for my future.

My break-through novel was mystery thriller Angels Mark, which became book one in the Serena Wilcox Dystopian Trilogy. This is launch week for my new release book three in the trilogy, Bluebird Flown. Bluebird Flown‘s plot twisting storyline wraps up unanswered questions from Angels Mark and book two Covert Coffee. Like the other two books in the trilogy, Bluebird Flown is humorous and impossible to predict.

In futuristic America, where government conspiracies have reached absurd heights, President Ann Kinji trusts no one except for government outsider and personal friend Serena Wilcox, former private detective and mother of three. Will Serena peel back the layers of betrayal in time to prevent an assassination plot? Will Serena’s crew of rogue agents, vigilantes and the criminally insane have what it takes to triumph over corrupt politicians?


Sylvia: What inspired you to write your first book?

Natalie: My first published work was a poem that was printed in a hometown newspaper when I was eleven years old. I never stopped writing. My break-through novel Angels Mark was inspired by a vivid dream I had about Iran and nuclear warfare. I was so shaken by the dream that I said, “This could be a book.”


Sylvia: Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

Natalie: Oh yes, I’m preachy! I want readers to think for themselves and avoid extremes. Above all, whenever there is a choice between being right and being kind – choose to be kind.


Sylvia: Do you have any advice for other writers?

Natalie: Never give up. Write another book. Learn all you can about the business side of writing. Apply it. Plug away. Never give up. Write another book. Learn new methods of doing the business side of writing. Apply. Plug away. Never give up. Repeat…


Sylvia: Never give up… now that’s great advice! What marketing techniques have you used to sell your books? Which have been most successful?

Natalie: The most successful marketing has been through slow, one-rock-at-a-time, tried and true, old school techniques. All great salespeople know that the best way to make sales over the long term is to make long term friends. “Back in the day” people had to network and build a fan base in person. With the global Internet community we can network from the comfort of our own homes. I make connections anywhere I can; through in-person workshops, public speaking events, conventions, and casual networking, as well as over the Internet through Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter.

Bluebird Flown by Natalie Buske Thomas

Image Credit: Natalie Buske Thomas


Sylvia: I just love your statement… building a fan base one person at a time. It is similar to the old saying, people do business with those they know like and trust. It is so important to build relationships. Why should we buy your book?

Natalie: It’s rare to find something new these days – I’m original. It’s difficult to classify my books because they cross over several genres and have become “their own thing”. The plots are intriguing and the endings are impossible to predict. People read my Serena Wilcox series because they enjoy books that throw them a curve, but a series is only as good as its characters. Many of the characters are based on people I know in my real life (with their permission). Some of the comedic bits are absolutely true! Readers say that they look forward to the books because they want to hang with Serena and crew.


Sylvia: Do you write anything besides the Serena Wilcox series?

Natalie: Yes. The Miracle Dulcimer is a music therapy book in oversize paperback format. My husband makes handcrafted instruments. He made one for my mother when I was her caregiver and I developed a music method so that she could play without learning sheet music or the instrument itself. The result was powerful: she played music for the first time in her life.

I’ve written a few other projects as well. The two that I write for free online are projects I do for fun: the Dramatic Momcomics and an interactive reading game “The Serena Wilcox Choose Your Own Mystery Game” based on the series. 


Sylvia: Is there a special place that you prefer when you write?

Natalie: My computer desk is wedged into a space between two walls. It fits so perfectly that it looks like a built-in writing area. I had to buy a small desk but I found what I was looking for at a second-hand store. The desk sits under a window; I’m growing starter garden plants here, behind my laptop. Just outside the window is a bird feeder. Sometimes a feathered friend hammers his beak on the top of the feeder to crack seeds. This drove me crazy for days. “What’s that tap, tap, tapping sound?” When I finally made the connection the sound stopped bothering me. “It’s my little friend having a snack, no problem.” I’d love to be off the computer and outside but I live in a cold climate (near Minneapolis) and a window is often the closest I can get to the great outdoors. When temperatures are mild I bring my laptop onto the porch. I especially love writing on a beautiful summer morning, up with the song birds.


Sylvia: Yes, sound so relaxing! I get to work on my back porch as well, overlooking my beautiful flowers, lemon tree and green grass! What projects are you currently working on?

Natalie: I’m working on a new trilogy for the Serena Wilcox series. Bluebird Flown was the last book in the Dystopian trilogy. The book I’m working on now is book one of the Serena Wilcox Time Travel Trilogy, called Project Scarecrow. As always, Serena has her work cut out for her. Time travel technology is vulnerable to greed and corruption before the world even knows that the government is using it. Is Serena brave enough to trust the physics of time and space? Can she uncover the secrets buried in history and hidden in the future? I love working on this book because I can tap into both the historical fiction and futuristic genres.

I’m also working on songwriting projects. My first single should be ready by late 2013. My son is the musician for the project. I also work with my two daughters. My daughter Cassandra Thomas is the artist for my Dramatic Mom comic, which are true family stories are available to read free online ( My youngest daughter and I are working on jewelry that features my oil paintings, and her art as well. I know it sounds like a lot, but I work best when I’m doing a variety of artistic projects, moving from one to the other, maintaining excitement and freshness about each.


Sylvia: What is your POWER WORD? Why this word?

Natalie: Patience. With patience we can wait upon the Lord to renew our strength. Even the most excruciating ordeals end when time passes. With patience, we can add one new pebble to the jar until the jar of success is filled. Dreams do come true, but not usually overnight. Patience.


Sylvia: Very powerful words! Please share your social media and book contact information.

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