An Interview with Lillian R. Melendez: Author & Poet

Sylvia: Welcome Lillian. Please give our readers an introduction of yourself.

Lillian: Hello Sylvia, my name is Lillian R. Melendez.  I write fiction stories under the mystery genre. “Dismantling Vindictiveness” was my first book and my second novel called “Auditory Viewpoint” was recently released. Besides writing novels, I also write short stories and poetry. I have been writing and publishing my materials since I was young and pursued a B.A degree in English with a minor in Psychology from Trinity Washington University. 

Sylvia: Tell me a little about your book Auditory Viewpoint?

Lillian: Gloria Rank has lived her entire life in the dark. Blind since birth, she has made a name for herself as a respected talk radio show host in New Jersey. When her younger sister, Anna, has her identity stolen and a man is murdered outside her apartment, Anna becomes the prime suspect in an FBI investigation. But when bodies begin piling up around her, the FBI has to admit that she is being stalked by a murderer. With the FBI focused in the wrong direction, it is up to Gloria to teach Anna to use her other senses–hearing, touch, taste, and smell–which she never really had to completely rely on before to help uncover a ring of identity thieves and stop the killer from taking her life, and perhaps Gloria’s as well! Their only hope for survival is an experiment in perception that will unearth heartbreaking secrets and catapult Gloria into a darkness of the heart beyond any that she has ever known.


Sylvia: What inspired you to write your first book?

Lillian:  During the Recession, greed was highlighted in the media than ever before. I wanted to explore this behavior further and its effects through the characters in Dismantling Vindictiveness.


Sylvia: Is there a message in Auditory Viewpoint that you want readers to grasp?

Lillian: My novel is about the issue of identity theft, but the protagonist, Gloria, who is blind, shows us that even some of the most difficult dilemmas aren’t impossible to solve. I personally believe that any form of disability is not really a handicap. We all have some kind of struggle whether it is physical or mental, but we can all learn from each other on how a ‘disability’ can be another word called ‘strength’.

Auditory Viewpoint

Auditory Viewpoint by Lillian R. Melendez

Sylvia: Why should we buy your book?

Lillian: That’s a tricky question. If the synopsis is of interest and you’re satisfied with the reviews and frequent discussions about the story discussed by me, or through discussions in a book club (if you participate in one) then I hope you can give it a read. The books are available in paperback and eBook version. You can also request it at your local library and I also offer monthly book giveaways for readers to win.


Sylvia: At what point did you reach a place where you felt successful as a writer?

Lillian: I felt I reached success when readers told me their opinion on a novel they read. This meant that they actually read my books and were using their critical thinking skills to discuss one or more of the stories in which they read. I love this!


Sylvia: At what point did you reach a place where you felt successful as a writer?

Lillian: I don’t have a preferred place to write. Actually, if I stay near my desk at home too long, then I have to go to a library, and then I have to change to a different setting. When I’m traveling and I don’t have my laptop or a 9X12 notebook with me, I write on my phone note apps. I basically cannot sit in one place for too long.


Sylvia: What projects are you currently working on?

Lillian: I am currently working on my third novel which is undisclosed at this moment. I love to surprise my readers when its finished.


Sylvia: With more books being released each month now than ever before, what do you believe sets your work apart from the others?

Lillian: It’s really up to readers to decide what sets my work apart from the rest. I am the writer; the creator of the story. I try to stay true to myself and my work and not care so much about what the publishing market is looking for. Readers have the final say on what they think of the story through word of mouth.


Sylvia: What would you like to share with writers who haven’t reached the point of publication yet?

Lillian: When you get frustrated, take a step back and breathe. Never stop writing and consider asking other writers for advice. It’s important to get back to your creative work, because you have a talent and it would be nice to share it with the world. Enjoy the sometimes smooth and sometimes bumpy ride along the way. You cannot learn anything without trial and error. Your strengths and weaknesses are tested, but you will improve in your craft. Putting a manuscript in your draw for months shouldn’t be an option, unless you’re developing more ideas and doing revisions to submit it on a later date.


Sylvia: Where can we buy it?

Lillian: Readers can purchase “Auditory Viewpoint” in Barnes and Noble stores and Independent bookstores as well as major online stores such as Amazon, Books A Million, and Barnes and Auditory Viewpoint and Dismantling Vindictiveness are also available international.


Sylvia: What is your POWER WORD? Why this word?

Lillian: Optimism. People tell me that I’m optimistic. Sure, like every other human being, I have my days, but people usually tell me that I’m an optimistic person. I think it’s important to enjoy the roller coaster of life and try to be optimistic every step of the way. You can get a lot done when you try to create happiness rather than waiting for it.

Sylvia: Thank you! Please share your social media and book contact information. 

Lillian: Thank you Sylvia. I enjoyed the interview.


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