Statistics show that 85% of employees are not engaged at work. This not only hurts company productivity but it decreases the likelihood of them staying at the company long-term. Have you ever wondered what you can do to improve your work situation? What areas can you improve in at work? How can you stand out from the crowd when it comes time for a promotion or pay raise? Keep reading to learn more about how to stand out at work. 


Dress to Impress

Do you ever find that when you dress up you feel more confident? Are you excited to wear your current wardrobe to work? How can you stand out with a new style?

Finding work wear for women has never been easier. A mix of comfort and style is key. While there is nothing wrong with wearing the same shirt every two weeks, adding new items to your wardrobe can help improve your style at work. People notice when you spend extra time on your outfit and look prepared to attack the day.


Have a Positive Attitude

Positivity is infectious. When someone is always in a positive mood, it is hard for anything to bring them down. Carrying a positive attitude into your work day can set you apart from your coworkers that always complain or the people that don’t see the purpose of the tasks that you are assigned. Managers notice this too, if you are smiling when being assigned something versus the person who rolls their eyes and fights the assignment. 


Plan Ahead

Spending the last few minutes of the work day planning what needs to be done the following day can greatly improve your productivity. Doing this simple task can allow you to come in the next morning and know what the priorities are immediately. Writing things down also helps them not to be overlooked when you get overwhelmed with other assignments. 

Being proactive stands out because not everyone will take the time to track the progress of a project or avoid waiting until right before the deadline to complete a task. 


Show Up Early

This doesn’t mean you have to be the very first person in the office, but it shows that you are eager to get to work. Showing up early to get work done lessens the chance of needing to stay after hours when you are tired from the day and just want to go home to relax. 

Getting to work early allows you to work with less distractions too. There’s never a crowd when it involves setting your alarm clock to earlier than necessary. You can be productive in this time and save the collaborative tasks for later in the day. Looking out for your health and not overworking yourself at night can make a huge difference to how you feel at the end of a work day or week.


Actively Participate in Meetings

Have you ever had a great idea but been afraid to share it? Who participates the most in your team meetings? What new conversations could you bring to the table? 

Being an active participant in meetings drives the conversation forward. Adding value when possible not only stands out but prevents the meeting from dragging on with only the leaders babbling for hours. Adding any ideas is better than sitting passively and not contributing to the meeting in any way.


Take Action Without Being Asked

If you know something needs to be done, don’t wait for someone to tell you to do it. Being a self-starter is a huge thing that managers look for in the people they hire and the people that they promote. No one wants to have to micromanage someone every hour of the day. Having the awareness to know when tasks need to be completed and just getting them done is a win-win for everyone. Not many people will take on extra work until they are instructed to do so. 


Represent the Company When You Aren’t at Work

Remember who you work for, even when the work day is over. Poorly representing yourself in public or on social media reflects poorly on the company. Your professional reputation is tied to them and negative actions on your part can force them to take action in order to avoid bad PR. Thinking before you share information or take a certain stance on social media can help you avoid this.


Start Standing Out Today

Now that you have read tips for standing out at work, you can put these tips into action today. Practicing these things can help you get promoted or be in consideration for leadership roles within the company. Asking your manager any areas that you can improve in will also show initiative along with these other tips. 

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