5 G Technology

With the growing technological needs, the wireless connection is becoming a necessity all around us. The smartphones which are advancing every day, high tech laptops, tablets and even GPS devices installed in our cars all need very strong internet connections to give full service. In the recent past, the main needs for the internet included searching nearby locations, accessing emails and social media and streaming videos, and this would be possible with average internet speed. With the evolving needs and increase in the intensity of data, however, it was necessary to introduce much faster internet, which is the 5G technology.

5G technology enables users to remain connected throughout the day, wherever they are. Network providers are in the process of upgrading to make this dream come true, and device manufacturers are also coming up with more advanced gadgets that will completely utilize this high-speed internet.

[tweetthis]#5G #technology enables #wireless users to remain connected.[/tweetthis]

According to Evans, the General Manager at Intel, 5G is the mother of all wireless technology that incorporates all the other generations from 2.5G to 4G and Wi-Fi/LTE. This technology she asserts is the best thing ever to be experienced in the tech world because of how it has simplified communication and interaction round the globe.

Before this invention, communication was mostly one way that is you would search for something and get feedback, and mobile phone communication followed the same trend. According to technology news, 5G technology has changed all this and included more responsive and highly interactive communications.

By the year 2020, it is expected that this technology will enable over 50 billion items to be connected to the internet. The intensive growth of the Internet of Things being experienced currently is expected to sky rocket and allow gadgets to interact among themselves. This will be made possible by the coming together of mobile communication devices and computing technology, powered by 5G Technology which will also assist in the transfer of artificial intelligence from the gadgets to the data centers.

The other very important application of Internet of Things is the introduction of sensors, wearable technology and intelligent machines with the aim of improving infrastructure around the cities. These are expected to ease traffic by communicating with drivers within a certain radius on where to pass and where to get free parking space.

This means that traffic is expected to be self-regulating, and this is nothing like what traffic lights do. It is more advanced since it is like having a city that communicates with its residents to make their movements around easier. To implement such a project, high-speed internet is a must have which must also be stable enough to handle millions of people operating in the cities on a daily basis.

One of the applications of the Internet of Things that will be made possible by 5G internet connections is the self-driving cars being introduced by Google. These cars need very reliable internet because that is what they use to navigate the traffic.

This is a technology that most people are looking forward to because they believe that the speed with which these cars are expected to move around with will save them lots of time. It is also believed that these will be much easier to drive compared even to the automatic transmission cars we have today.

Industries will also not be left behind as most are moving towards the automation of all processes. Most manufacturers are working towards building machines that are self-regulatory and that can work without being operated by humans.

These include machines that will enable the manufacturing process all the way from the feeding of raw materials to packaging and dispatching finished products. They should be able to receive orders from customers and send orders to suppliers while at the same time executing the manufacturing process.

These machines are expected to have intelligence that can enable them make decisions and not just work as programmed. All this will only be achieved when very high speed and reliable internet is made available.

With the increasing demands on Internet connections, cloud computing comes into the picture since it is what will bring order and enables all “Things” to get their fair share of the internet. This new technology allocates data to devices according to their needs and not just availability. It is expected that the number of people who are connected to the internet will go up since it will now be almost impossible to operate without the internet. In fact, it is anticipated that the future generations will live in completely automated homes where they are able to communicate with household equipment just like with humans. It will be possible to instruct the fridge to take specific actions and at the same time, the fridge communicates when it is running out of certain things. These are some of the revolutions expected to be made possible with the introduction of 5G technology.

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