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Dry skin can be a real pain. When we need to feel our best, the feeling of tight, flaky skin can leave us feeling uncomfortable and self-conscious. The last thing we need to worry about in our busy schedules is skin discomfort.

If you’re looking for help on how to get rid of dry skin – or even just ways to keep skin in good condition when you’re always on the go – there are a few simple changes that can help to fight dry skin at no additional time or cost. So when dryness strikes, tackle it head on with these four simple tips.


 Apply the right moisturizer at the right time

Using a reliable moisturizer is the most obvious place to start, and you’ve probably tried several. But it’s important to find a moisturizer that is right for your skin type and apply it at the right time.

If you have naturally dry skin, moisturizers that contain glycerol and petroleum jelly are a great way of locking in your skin’s moisture and smoothing cracked skin. In fact, Vaseline even has its own handy guide on how to get rid of dry skin. For combination skin, you might want to try lighter, water-based solutions that hydrate without leaving behind a greasy-feel. If your skin is naturally oily, you’ll want a light, oil-free moisturizer that won’t leave you looking shiny but will still offer good hydration.

Did you know that the time you apply your moisturizer matters? It’s more effective to apply moisturizer when your skin is slightly damp, as this will help to lock in the moisture on your skin.


Keep hydrated and eat lots of fruit and vegetables

Drinking plenty of water and eating lots of fresh fruit and vegetables comes with many health benefits, including maintaining hydration levels in your skin. If you feel parched and dehydrated, your skin will look and feel it too. So, when you’re working hard and you haven’t had a break in a while, why don’t you pause for a glass of water or a juicy apple? It’s good for you – and your skin.


Protect your face whatever the weather

Come rain or shine, our skin needs protection from the elements. During the summer months, defend yourself from damaging UV rays by using a moisturizer with an SPF of at least 30 before you step out the door.

To beat the winter skin blues and the season of chapped hands, make sure you wrap yourself tight against the cold and opt for a cream-based moisturizer works harder to lock in your skin’s moisture. Changing the type of moisturizer you use according to the season can make all the difference to the comfort of your skin.


Avoid harsh soaps and cleansers

Sadly, the very same products we use to look after our skin can result in dry, itchy, and even irritated skin. Regular soaps and face cleansers can often be harsh on our skin, stripping away our skin’s natural oils and lipids.

If you want to know how to get rid of dry skin, go for cleansers that are gentle on skin and preferably fragrance-free – petroleum jelly is a great option, and comes without any additional chemicals or hefty price tags. There are also a number of excellent mild cleansers and moisturizing soaps that are specifically designed to maintain your skin’s hydration levels, so you won’t have to worry about washing your skin’s natural moisture down the drain.

By making simple changes to our skin care routine such as avoiding harsh soaps or drinking more water, we can enjoy healthy-looking hydrated skin that will make us feel better in the long run.


About Author: John is a health writer and all around skin expert. As a very tall man, he knows about some of the biggest problems in skin care personally. When not writing about dry skin, he is working on a list of the most underwhelming world records.

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