Sit With Your Pain

Sit With Your Pain

I enjoy listening to Dr. Charles Stanley’s In Touch Ministries television and radio broadcasts. One broadcast in particular has left a lasting impression on me. Dr. Stanley spoke about his struggle with forgiving his stepfather and the fact there are many things that...
Spiritual Balance

Spiritual Balance

The thought of being balanced brings to mind the high wire act of a Circus Performer. I can picture the tight rope walker high above the crowd gently tipping across the ropes with a long pole. He stops for a moment, wobbles and then gently journeys on. On the contrary...
Got Power?

Got Power?

The headlines on much of the East Coast is related to the restoration of power post-Irene. Three days after Irene has left, many homes are still without power – and they are not happy about it. Aside from the initial inconvenience of not having electricity, loss of...
Moving Forward

Moving Forward

I have witnessed and heard of so many people starting off with great momentum in the beginning of their year of fulfilling their purpose in life. I noticed a pattern that after the first 3 months of the year, those same people start slowing down their pace. They are...
Mixing business and spirituality

Mixing business and spirituality

We don’t often think about how we mix business and spirituality, mostly because the two don’t seem to share any common bonds. Business is about driving revenue, boosting sales, and making money. Spirituality is about finding a moral center, a place in this...