As another year winds to an end, there is much to reflect on. The recession and economy has dictated adjustments be made. Some minor, some major. Instead of finding fault with the world and crawling under a rock, I thought it fitting to acknowledge some of the good that has come out of this year’s tumultuous journey.

What do I have to thank the recession for?

Valuable relationships. So much of social media today is focused on generating new clients and leads. The value in your business is not new leads. It’s in the relationships with existing clients. Existing clients are willing to sacrifice to keep your product or services. They adapt and make adjustments for you; especially if you’ve gone out of your way to truly value the relationship.

Clarity. There is nothing like a tight budget to keep you focused on the importance of efficiency. Knowing what to keep and what to part with. Knowing how to keep things simple, clear and concise. We’ve stayed true to our name and philosophy of “simplicity.”

Innovation. Thinking outside the box is not a cliché. It is imperative when money is tight, your clients’ needs change and your resources are limited. You have to know how to make changes and adjustments to your business without sacrificing your integrity. How you handle adversity speaks volumes.

Rejuvenation. “Knowledge is power” has never been truer. New knowledge, when applied, is rejuvenating. You almost always see immediate results. Knowledge also comes from a variety of sources: classes, books, magazines, blogs, the Internet etc. It can also be as simple as a conversation with an elder, a coach, a mentor, a colleague or a friend. Never underestimate the value of good conversation and free information.

And you. My readers, followers, encouragers, connections, associates and friends; with all that you have dealt with this year, you continue to find value in my work and you support me with your counsel, comments, confidence and referrals. Thank you.

Now, please share with me what you have to thank the recession for? … Please post your comments below.

Submitted by A.Michelle Blakeley

Simplicity, Inc. |Because you don’t have time to waste.™ |866.927.5888 x1

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