We’ve all done it; we come across an intriguing article or blog post with a killer headline that really grabs our attention and we find ourselves compelled to read it. After we do, we discover how much we enjoyed it and now, are inclined to learn more about the author. So what do we do? We Google them.

We eagerly search their name to receive results in hopes of uncovering additional and equally valuable content. Low and behold…we do! We are excited to have just discovered a wealth of information all created by the same individual. In our mind now, Google has instantly provided this author with immediate credibility in his or her chosen area of expertise.

Now, we begin to dig deeper and read more from our newly found author. We can now locate them on Facebook, see the size of their Twitter following, watch the videos they have uploaded to YouTube, subscribe to their blog and of course…Get Connected!

Within a short amount of time and a quick search in Google, you are able to learn who this once unknown individual is, what they are all about and what exactly it is they do. You can see what comments are posted about them, check out their business and find out what others are saying about them…all because you typed their name in Google.

Do you realize this is the way your potential customers and partners are checking up on you? When someone types your name in Google, what will they find? How are you perceived to others online, in your network circle and in the groups or forums you belong to?

Like it or not, wrong or right, people are judging you by your presence and visibility online. Think about it, would you do business with a company specializing in marketing and yet you can’t find them in Google? How about a branding specialist who can’t even brand their own business because they are not “found” on Facebook or Twitter?

About author:  Tamyka Washington is CEO of TheCEOMamma, an online Marketing resource for women entrepreneurs and women in business. She specialize in Social Media, Network Marketing, Blogging and teach women how to build a profitable business by utilizing no cost, low cost effective strategic marketing tools and techniques.  TheCEOMamma Network, offers networking, business building opportunities and resources to professional women; providing quality service to women entrepreneurs, women in business and those who aspire to be.

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