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You come to this life on earth with specific talents and intentions. Through  your inner guidance you begin to understand and use these gifts. You come here  with an assignment, or a life purpose, if you will. It may be the task of  raising a family, transforming a business, communicating your ideas as a  teacher, or being a leader in your community.

Your task may be a massive one such as raising the level of constructive  communication between warring countries, or awakening a consciousness of love  and forgiveness in a segment of the population. Whatever purpose your soul has  come to unfold, through your Divine intuition you are given guidance and life  experiences that will prepare you to fulfill it.

Many people assume this calling is a job or profession they are here to  fulfill. Sometimes our purpose is not a thing we need to do, but a attribute we  need to develop in order for our soul to unfold and grow to the next level.  Through a physical disability you might learn to let others help you or,  conversely, learn to help yourself. You may have grown up in an abusive home and  learned about compassion and forgiveness. In many sessions with clients I’ll  sense a quality that they’re here to develop, such as resiliency, persistence or  bravery.

Following are some other common life lessons. This is not meant to be a  comprehensive list of life purposes but rather an overview of possibilities. As  you read these, see if any of them resonate with you. The purpose of your life  may be to:

  •   Heal a relationship with another individual or group of  individuals.
  •   Develop a specific characteristic such as love, mercy, hope, compassion,  endurance, courage or confidence.
  •   Invent a service or product that will help and assist  individuals.
  •   Create works of art and beauty to help heal the souls of others.
  •   Open your heart after an experience of loss and be a model for helping  others do the same.
  •   Display courage, honesty or honor during a personal or professional  difficulty.
  •   Foster open and non-judgmental communication within a family,  neighborhood, office, or in the world at large.
  •   Aid in the spiritual development of others.
  •   Create a strong family in order to foster the life purpose of yourself,  your spouse and/or your children.
  •   Release a focus on fear, worry and anxiety and transform it with the  qualities of love, patience and faith.

When you know your life purpose, you tap into a source of power that enables  you to achieve your goals more easily and effectively. Susan Jeffers, the author  of Feel The Fear and Do It Anyway, wrote, “We become powerful in the  face of our fears when we have a sense that we make a difference in this world.”  As your purpose in life evolves you’ll find yourself with more clarity, energy  and abundance.

Remember that your life purpose needn’t be a huge project or undertaking. It  may be a quality you develop or a gift you share with your immediate family and  community. Listen to the still, small voice within and allow it to show you your  purpose.

About Author: Lynn Robinson, M.Ed., is one of the nation’s leading experts on the topic of intuition. She’s a popular and widely recognized author and motivational speaker who works with businesses and individuals as an intuitive advisor, offering insights into goals, decisions and strategies. Clients usually call her when they’re in the midst of change and transition. Lynn has been recognized by Boston Magazine, where she was voted “Best Intuitive” by readers and editors.  In Lynn’s keynotes and seminars she teaches that intuition is a ready source of direction available to all of us; an invisible intelligence that animates our world and helps guide our lives.  Lynn has authored five books on the topic of intuition, including Divine Intuition: Your Guide to Creating a Life You Love (DK Books, 2001).

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