Preventing a breakup in a marriage is definitely easier than repairing a ruined relationship. Therefore, to save your marriage from falling into the bottomless pit of uncertainty and ruin, you need to detect the earliest signs of anger, resentment, frustration, etc that could be brewing between the two of you. Needless to mention, to do this successfully, you not only need to be sensitive to issues related to your spouse, but also remain permanently alert to his or her emotional and other needs.

Perhaps the best point to start is to keep the communication channels open all the time. Never for a moment let silence rule the relationship and if you find that suddenly the communication has weakened or not happening as freely and frankly as it used to, then start to take proactive repairing actions immediately.

Surely you have seen couples, who are seemingly still ‘happily married’, maintaining a pregnant silence whenever they watch TV together or share the same table to have a meal, etc. Such break in communication is a very definite sign that the marriage is heading towards disaster.

If you still want to stay married to the same person, never let such impasse remain for too long. The more you delay in solving the crisis, the more cancerous it gets and eats into whatever little is left of the relationship. Make every effort to bridge the gap, even if that means stepping down from your current ego state.

Admit that you are capable of hurting, making wrong decisions or making no decisions at all on some issues that are upsetting your spouse. Try and probe deeper to locate these precise problem areas, if you want to solve the problem. One way you can re-set the path to a healthy and happy marriage is to spend as much time as possible with your spouse. Take care of your appearance and overall behavior and very soon you would find that you have actually been able to save your marriage from further decline.

Whether you are still together and having problems or you are already separated and want to save your marriage … the next step is absolutely crucial!

Don’t make the mistake of saying or doing something that will kill your chances of getting back together with your spouse. Find out what you need to do to save your marriage and emotionally reconnect with her or him again.

About Author: Ilona Benes was born and raised in Prague, Czechoslovakia. She has a bachelor’s degree in Art History from the Univerzita Karlova (Charles University).  She is the proud owner of a small store with herbal remedies and supplements in Old Town Square of Prague.  She is an amateur painter and Photo Shop enthusiast. She love animals… all of them… but horses have always had a special place in her heart.

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