Mother’s Day can be a joyful day filled with celebrations, family and memories shared with Mom. However, if you’re facing this Mother’s Day without Mom, it may be a day you dread. Although your mother may not be around to join in the celebration, continue to honor her memory and celebrate her life with family. Here are a few tips.

Do What She Loved

What did you normally do with Mom on Mother’s Day? You probably spoiled her to make the day really special. Take that same approach with your loved ones as a way to remind one another what Mom enjoyed most about the day. If Mother’s Day meant a brunch at the local tea room or a trip to her favorite jazz club for some dancing, keep up the tradition. Organize a group to spend the day doing what Mom loved. Honor her by raising a glass and toasting to her life and the love that she spread throughout your family.

Go Natural

Honor Mom by giving back to Mother Nature. Gather the family to dedicate a living memorial in Mom’s name. The Arbor Day Foundation calls tree memorials a lasting legacy. Consider planting abroad as a dedication to the mother’s heritage with organizations such as Israel Trees, or keep it close to home planting in the family’s backyard.

Arrange for an FTD flower delivery of Mom’s favorite flowers and take them to her gravesite. While gathered together around her grave, take turns sharing your favorite happy memories about Mom.

Go Quilting

A memory quilt does more than just celebrate Mom’s life; it creates an heirloom in her name. A quilt gift helps celebrate the diversity and unity of the family. If needed, hire someone to make the base quilt by stitching in all family members’ names, or tackle the project yourself if you possess the skills (and patience!). Each Mother’s Day for years to come, the family can get together and update the quilt, adding the names of new babies and spouses.

Expert Village offers a video tutorial series on creating a family quilt. If you are interested in learning how to add photos, check out the image transfer instructions on

Adventure Day

Turn Mother’s Day into Adventure Day by celebrating her life learning something new or doing something exciting. After all, Mom did always encourage her family to get out and experience the world! Spend the day at the local science museum, take a trip to the zoo, or make a day of it together at a theme park. Aim to experience something new and grow closer as a family while also paying tribute to Mom. If you need inspiration, Google’s Field Trip points out fun things to see in your area at no cost. Field Trip is available for both iOS and Android phones.

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