Woman getting eye treatment

Aging is a wonderful thing. It can ensure you appreciate life more and enable you to provide guidance to the younger generations. It can also affect your appearance and it is common to find wrinkles appearing on your face. The skin of the forehead, the eyebrows and even the upper eyelids usually begins to sag. A more youthful countenance can be returned via a brow lift. This can be particularly effective if done at the same time as a facelift.

Women want to look beautiful at any age, and while the eyes are the door to the soul, the eyebrows are responsible for shaping your face. They emphasize on external features and balance them to make you look truly beautiful. After a certain age, a woman’s eyebrows begin to sag and drop, thus speeding up the formation of wrinkles. Thankfully, this process can be delayed. There are two types of brow lifts:


The Classic

The classic brow lift procedure involves carefully cutting the skin at the hairline. The cut will start level with both of your ears. A good surgeon will cut carefully along the hairline which should prevent a visible scar. Once the incision has been made the skin is then pulled upwards. Excessive skin is removed before the cut is stitched up. This will make the skin on your forehead taut and wrinkle free.


The Endoscopic Lift

The endoscopic brow lift procedure involves a few small cuts being made in your scalp. A special instrument is then inserted under the skin through one cut whilst a camera attached to a tube is inserted under another cut. This allows the surgeon to make the necessary changes to the structure of your forehead and pull the skin tight. The manipulated tissue is secured using tiny anchors. This cosmetic intervention is less invasive than the classic brow lift and results in a much quicker healing time.



As with any medical procedure, cosmetic or otherwise, it is essential to discuss all options and implications with your doctor or an approved medical professional. This is the opportunity to discuss why you want a brow lift and the possible implications of having one. The doctor will also advise you regarding any lifestyle changes which need to be adopted before the procedure. It is vital to discuss any current medication you are taking as this can have an effect on bleeding during the operation.



Whichever procedure you opted for there will be stitches which need to be removed approximately one week after the operation. It is highly likely that you will have some swelling and bruising. This will not be just where the operation was. It could be anywhere on your face but the most common place is the cheeks or eyes. The swelling should die down after a week but it is essential to keep your head elevated for two days after the procedure. Applying icepacks to the affected areas can also be beneficial. Be patient and you’ll love the end result!

Your surgeon should provide painkillers after the operation. Both procedures will result in pain during the recovery period but it should be much less if you have had the Endoscopic procedure. Itching is also a common side effect as the skin heals. It is also possible that you will have some numbness or tingling – this is normal and will disappear over time. It is usual to need ten days off after the procedure but this is dependent on your own personal rate of recovery.

Very rarely there are complications such as infection, visible scars, problems with eyebrow movement or a loss of sensation. If you have excessive swelling or a very high temperature you should contact your doctor immediately.


The Benefits

For those who are older the benefit is smoother skin and a more youthful appearance. This can result in increased confidence and more enthusiasm for life. Younger people who adopt this procedure usually do so in order to remove an inherited characteristic. Amongst other reasons a low brow can be corrected and dramatically alter your appearance. Again this will result in an improved level of confidence and may make the difference in enjoying life to the full.


About Author: Edward Francis is interested in writing about health and fitness related issues. He has a deep knowledge at this field. Also he writes for a site Aesthetic Surgery Clinic which offers a full range of Cosmetic Surgery and non-surgical procedures for men and women.

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