Write For Us

Guest Post Submission

If you have are interested in contributing one time or on occasion, then this message is for you.

I will accept your ‘one time’ or ‘occasional’ post in the following format:

  1. Login as a guest: sylviabrowder.com/wp-admin
  2. Email: guestblogger@sylviabrowder.com OR
  3. Username: Guest Blogger
  4. Password: o8PFuYO7nLj9gzDqwge!7rsx

Now that you are logged in…

  1. Enter a post on the “Add New” post page.
  2. That’s it! I will review your post, and if approved, schedule it f or publication within 5 days.
  3. Provide an image related to the topic.  Image must be cropped to fit our slider. The size is 740×400 pixels. Image can be either one that you’ve taken personally, or a purchased stock photo. Please include who to credit for image. You will have to add it to the body of the article.
  4. Add a short bio at the end of your article with links to your social profiles.
  5. In the ‘META DESCRIPTION‘ box, add a 2-4 description of your article.
  6. In the ‘META KEYWORDS‘ box, provide 2-4 keywords which relates to your article.
  7. Back links listed in the body of the article will be removed before publishing the post unless it relates to the topic. If that is the case, 2 link maximum.  As an example, a post on “Financing Your Small Business with backlinks to a Online MBA Program” in the body will be removed.

Featured Post Submission

If you are interested in contributing on an ongoing basis, then this message if for you.

Before you become a featured contributor, please register as a guest blogger initially. This will allow me to get a feel for your writing style. Please see above ‘Guest Post Submission‘ for instructions. After you submit three or more well written articles, you may request to become a featured contributor.

As a featured contributor, you may set up your individual profile and submit your posts as often as you like with a maximum of 4 posts per month.

NOTE: Upon acceptance as a featured guest,  you must set up your GravatarWhy? Because this keeps the blog at a higher level of quality and better promotes ALL contributors. Plus, it adds your Gravatar next to your search results.

PLEASE NOTE: We cannot publish any of your articles until your Bio and Avatar are showing.

Sylvia Browder’s Blog for Women prefers to publish guest posts from experts who can provide unique and useful perspectives. This is a great opportunity for our readers to learn from you, and of course, for you to get exposure to our readers.
  1. Register on our blog:  http://sylviabrowder.com/wp-admin/ You will automatically be registered as a subscriber.
  2. Once you are registered, email me at info@sylviabrowder.com.  In the subject line, add Ready to Contribute.”
  3. I will check that you’ve met the requirements and change your status from Subscriber to Contributor. This means that you may enter posts, and I will approve/publish them.
  4. Add your short bio into your profile page.
  5. Enter a post on the “Add New” post page.
  6. That’s it! I will review your post, and if approved, schedule it f or publication within 5 days.

REMEMBER, you must submit atleast THREE well written articles before becoming a featured contributor. 


We are seeking articles in the areas of:


Sponsored Posts

  • PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: If your submission links to a specific company such as a University, Insurance Agency or Car Rental Company for marketing purposes, it is NOT a guest post. This is a sponsored post, and effective 11/4/16,  will be accepted for a fee starting at $40 per post with a 500 word maximum.
  • The purpose of my blog is to be a resource for women and authors, not free link exchange to promote corporations.
  • Once payment is submitted, send me an email with ‘Payment Made-Ready to Submit Sponsored Post‘ in the subject line.
  • Follow instructions under ‘Guest Post Submission’ to upload and setup your post.

Sorry, no monetary compensation at this time.

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