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Today’s image is as important as ever, and in order to showcase the best ‘you’ to the world it is vitally important that you take control of other people’s perception of you. Any time you are out in public or are meeting someone for the first time, you are sending a message about who you are. Following the list of etiquette rules below will help to ensure that you put your best food forward and are always projecting an image of class and refinement.

  1. Always arrive on time – Being late is rude and shows a disregard for the other person’s time. Making an effort to be on time lets the other people know that you respect them and are dependable.
  2.  Follow through – In business especially; if you say you are going to do something make sure to follow through. This will help establish you as someone of integrity and someone who can be counted on.
  3. Thank you – Writing a thank you note after receiving a gift will most certainly let the giver know that their gift was appreciated and displays good manners and class.
  4. Don’t be ‘that person’ on your cell phone – It’s hard to imagine a world without the convenience of cell phones. However, proper etiquette dictates that cell phone conversations should be appropriate in both content and volume when in public. Conversations of a delicate nature discussed in public are in poor taste, as is the disruption caused by loud speaking. Remember that others can hear you and to keep your conversation appropriate for anyone to hear while in public.
  5. Don’t be the office gossip – While you may be dying to dish on the latest office gossip, don’t do it! Office gossip causes an unprofessional atmosphere and sends the message to everyone else that they can’t really trust you. Instead, be an example of someone of integrity and don’t say anything about someone that would embarrass you if they found out about it.
  6. Dress Appropriately – Being dressed inappropriately can cast you in a negative light and cause embarrassment (especially at a work function). If you are not sure what attire the event calls for try to contact someone to ask. However, if that not possible it’s best to err on the side of caution and slightly over dress as opposed to showing up in a sweatshirt and jeans to a business casual event.
  7. Positive Attitude – Having a positive attitude in the workplace and in life in general, can take you far. No one wants to be around the ‘Constant Complainer’. Displaying a positive mental attitude exudes emotional intelligence and will make other want to be in your company.
  8. Email –While it is an incredible communication tool that most of us couldn’t imagine life without, you want to make sure that your email communication is respectful of other and does not cast you in a negative light. When thinking email etiquette remember; Never write in all caps (this implies you are yelling), be sure your responses are complete and to the point, and never forward on virus hoaxes or chain letters!
  9. Dining Etiquette – Make sure to remember your table manners. Nothing says ‘unsophistication’ like chewing with your mouth open or being a noisy eater. While it is good to know proper fork and knife placement, if you at least have the essentials of courteous dining manners you likely will be able to avoid embarrassment when fine dining.
  10. Language – While it seems that slang is everywhere and every generation has their own unique array of expressions, it most certainly does not have its place in every situation. In the office, speaking to a teacher at your child’s school or generally any public speaking calls for the use of proper language. This shows respect to the person you are communicating with and highlights your intelligence.

This list is not at all complete, what etiquette tip would you add?

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