Woman sitting outside looking up at the sunset

Image Credit: Fotolia

It is said fire symbolizes transformation; water symbolized cleansing and  purification of the mind, body and the soul; wind symbolizes clearing of  limiting beliefs, clutter and clearing out the things that get in your way of  having what you would like to have in your life. It is common knowledge that  these three elements can all generate many different kinds’ events that can turn  your world upside down.

Where do you get your strength from, your power, love and courage to get you  through the challenges of life? When you are so overwhelmed with the logistics  of the recovery process and the details of rebuilding your home, your life, and  maybe your family, that you can barely put one foot in front of the other?

My heart, love & prayers go out to those of you who have experienced the  occurring wildfires, tornadoes and flooding across the country recently. The  loss of life and property is devastating. There are no words to describe the  feelings you are left with when life as you once knew it is changed forever.

I am here to tell you that when my husband and I experienced our house fire  several years ago, it was not long into the recovery process that I realized  that what we were going through was so much more than just the logistics of  cleaning up, tearing out, tearing down and rebuilding a house. It was so much  more than the loss of property, losing two precious cats and knowing that life  would never be the same again. It is not something that you can get over in a  moment’s time. Actually I believe that transformation is a process that we  experience throughout our entire lives; as we travel down our path on our  journey of a life time.

When these type of situations occur it is only natural to resist them, you  want to control them and you wonder how can this be happening to me? The more  you resist things the more they will persist. The one thing that I have learned  is that everything that we experience in life is given to us as a gift,  blessing, awareness or realization of some kind. It is usually a vehicle used to  help us make the changes that are necessary for us to become the highest and  best part of who we really are, and to teach and show us things we need to know  for our journey in life.

If you can find it in your heart to trust and know that it is all for your  highest good, the struggle and difficulties will melt away. You will be able to  align yourself with the goodness that is waiting at the end of the tunnel. It is  not always obvious or an easy thing to do, but allowing and receiving will lead  you to the opportunities, synchronicity and freedom that become a part of every  moment of every day. It will be amazing to say the least.

You will view things in a new way and see things that you never saw before.  They are not always what they appear to be. We all know looks can be deceiving.  Experiencing life and the world around you will be completely different to the  very core, without much effort at all.

You see everything in this Universe is made up of light, energy and carries a  vibration. It is a proven scientific fact. The higher it is the more it fills  our “Being”. This is what makes us all one with all things.

It keeps us aligned with ourselves, our Divinity, to each other and all the  goodness of this world. It is sometimes called “being in the flow.

Most everything in life has something spiritual, holy and sacred about it at  some level. The moment I realized that, was the day everything changed for me  and the way I play the game of life now. We are all “Divine Beings of Love and  Light”.

No one is better than another. We are an individual expression of the  Divinity of our “Being”.

I am not here to tell you that this journey will be easy because it will not;  but it will bring new possibilities, opportunities, choices and a greater  perspective into your life that you never thought possible before this event.  You will begin to see the unlimited possibilities, potential and choice no  matter what is going on in the external world.

It is time to shine your magnificence in this world!


About Author: Karen Quinn is the author of the mini-book “Heart Light”. It is a story of  the logistic, trials and tribulations experience while recovering from a house  fire.  She provides articles, stories, information and spiritual insight she has  created a free online environment that is connected to this experience and her  book “Heart Light” intended to enhance, expand and personalize the readers  experience of her experience and her mini-book “Heart Light” She shares with you  the truths of such an experience and what it looked like for her and what she  took away from that experience.

You may visit the free online environment that is connected to “Heartlight” at http://www.messengerminibooks.com and type in Book I.D. #814815 and/or you can click on reader log-in and create an account to buy the  “Heart Light” mini book or eBook or any of the mini books offered on this  website.

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