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At some point, in most people’s lives we all suffer from some form of pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads. Acneic skin conditions are particularly common during puberty and are usually outgrown by adulthood. However, this is not always the case and many times young adults, pregnant women; middle-aged individuals continue to struggle with acne breakouts. When this occurs, a person might consider making use of acne treatment home remedies to decrease the significance of these breakouts.

Causes of skin outbreaks can vary from hormonal imbalances to improper hygiene. Genetics often play a part in the development of this skin condition. Acne can be very embarrassing for teenagers in particular, but it should be noted that the condition could be helped with several acne treatment home remedies that come right from the pantry or bathroom cabinets. Whenever possible, opt to treat acne in a natural fashion, as this is always the best route to follow. Natural acne treatments usually have fewer side effects.

Tomato is a great help when it comes to pimples. The pulp can be applied to the pimples for up to an hour and washed off with lukewarm water. The acid in the tomato will help to counter oiliness.

Lemon juice and other citrus fruits can also help acneic skin. It has great exfoliating and bleaching properties.

Toothpaste is another common cure. A small amount should be applied to the pimple at night, just before bedtime and left on overnight. This procedure may be done for several nights in a row.

Aloe Vera is a potent cure for pimples. The watery gel inside the plant is rich in enzymes and it has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties. Aloe can also be taken internally to help detox the digestive tract.

Zinc is an excellent weapon towards creating a strong immune system and clearing acneic skin. It can even help to reduce the appearance of marks that have been left on the skin resulting from pimples that have healed. While there are good zinc tablets on the market, liquid zinc supplements are more easily absorbed and therefore more effective.

Vitamins that are helpful acne treatment home remedies include Vitamin A and Vitamin E. Topical applications of tea tree oil and baking soda are helpful. Cleansing the body from the inside out works wonders, which is why rigorous exercise and relaxation methods such as Yoga and deep breathing are so popular?

In conclusion, take control of acne before it develops a mind of its own and starts to rule your life. Try going the natural route and implement some of the above acne treatment home remedies.

About Author: Elizabeth Chastain provides acne information at, an acne treatment and prevention website written by licensed esthetician. You’ll find expert acne information regarding elimination of acne, reviews of best acne treatment products, and much more!

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