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When it comes to being successful with our finances, it’s as much as about our behavior as it is about what we tell ourselves. How many times have you told yourself it was ok to buy [insert item here] because you deserved it, or it was only $x?

Do you feel like you are always talking yourself out of success? As soon as you start to set financial goals for yourself, do you suddenly have nagging thoughts about how you aren’t up to the task or how it’s going to be too tough so why bother?

If you have ever experienced either situation when it comes to your finances, you need to change the way you respond to your inner dialogue. Instead of obeying your negative commands, you can use positive self-talk to counter the negativity and overcome nearly all anxious thoughts about money.

Setting Goals and Sticking to Them with Positive Self-Talk

Are you initially filled with excitement when you worked out your budget to see how much debt you could pay off? Are these thoughts then followed by self-doubt and self-defeating thoughts that stop you in your tracks before you even get started?

It can be difficult to make the most of your life when you are constantly talking yourself out of being a success. It can be frustrating and discouraging to have these thoughts constantly plaguing you. Many of us, in fact, don’t even realize we have them! All we know is that we don’t have the confidence to stick to our budgets and reach our goals.

But there’s another way!

Positive self-talk is an effective way to set financial goals and ensure that you stick to them, even if you have never been able to do this before. So how does this work? You start by deciding what financial goal is important to you, and then you plan the logistics of how you are going to attain this goal. When self-doubt starts kicking in, you will respond with affirmations that prove your success without surrendering to the negative pressure. Does this really work? Yes it does! So start believing in yourself!

Re-Programming Your Mind

Affirmations are essentially positive statements that re-program your mind for the positive instead of the negative. The moment you have a self-defeating thought you’d be able to counter the negative with a motivating statement. An example of a positive affirmation is: “I am determined to make wise financial decisions to secure my future,” or “I am committed to keeping close track of my budget in order to live in financial peace.” This replaces negativity with thoughts that will help you move toward your goals instead of further away from them.

Positive self-talk is easier to implement than you might think. You may not be aware of the severity of the negative dialogue currently within your mind. However, once you begin with positive self-talk, you will suddenly realize that you are self-sabotaging the goals you set for yourself from the minute that you make them. This process can open your eyes to exactly how much this inner conversation has been interfering with your life. You’ll feel hopeful that you can now set financial goals and surpass them.

Through positive self-talk you will be able easily set long and short-term goals for yourself. And when you use affirmations, you’ll have accessible tools to help you push yourself further than ever before. Learning to quiet negativity with positive thoughts is a great move toward setting and attaining future goals with ease.

This doesn’t only apply to finances. What other areas of your life are you talking yourself out of success? You may not realize you are even doing it, but start paying attention to what you are thinking. One of my favorite quotes that illustrates how powerful the mind is:

What the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve

Napoleon Hill

So are you ready to quit the negative self talk so you can start working towards your goals? Use this personal affirmation when you need some positive self talk to keep you moving in the right direction.

About Author:  Jenny Kerr is an expert author, consultant, blogger and social media  professional. She loves living a flexible lifestyle and spends most of her time  reading, gardening and trying new recipes she has cooked from scratch. Jenny is  passionate about helping people save money and blogs about it on her Jenny  Pincher site. She has taught her self-developed “Basics of Budgeting” course  throughout the St. Louis area. Visit her site at The Jenny Pincher to get her free ebook and 7 day budget  program and find more ways to spending money wisely.

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