As you rush to catch your breath at the end of your day, how many of you realize that you’re (stuck) in the fast lane? A whole lot of rushing around, more hurry-hurry-WAIT- going no where fast, and at the end of the day, there ain’t a lot left to give?

This phenomenon of American’s living life at this break neck pace is a lethal way to live. When predictions consistently read that 80% of modern illness or diseases are stress related, many of these conditions are related to lifestyle/eating habits! Shouldn’t we all be choking on the smell of burnt coffee? At least ask yourselves: is this really how I want to live? Is this how I want my family to live? How I want my family to see me? What I want to teach my kids?

These topics beg a broader question of awareness: much like the old joke where the patient shows up at the doctor’s office with pain in his left arm, crying, “Doctor, it hurts when I touch here!” Of course, “Well, then don’t touch there!” gets us all rolling on the floor over the hilarity of the doctor’s apt retort to the patient’s foolishness.

Awareness brings a double-edged sword to the table. You can live with many select layers of awareness. But with greater awareness you can learn phenomenal things. As you learn, you can change. As you change you can grow more deeply. This is how you can live with deeper appreciation of what you DO have, and of the trials before you, to recognize that life in the fast lane is a choice. Sure, some days, it is truly inevitable. But how many times do you mistake today’s TO DO list for a MUST DO or DIE list? Survey says: You are not alone!

What would really happen if you didn’t get the TO DO list eliminated and off your plate? How would you actually feel to release the hold of stress over you? The truth is the world would still spin, you would still get paid the same, and if you were aware of your true efforts, perhaps you could let yourself off the hook if the results of those efforts did not show up immediately.

If you cannot enjoy the fruits of your labors, what is the point exactly? If you value your family above all else, but work 80 hours a week, where is the value for them? Or for you? Perhaps unknowingly you value the appearance that more stress means greater success? Simply because the neighbors, or other family are out of their minds with stress means you should be too? It is a quandary that Americans seem addicted to. Yet the stress of trying to squeeze so much into 24 hours is, literally, killing us.

You have innumerable choices daily, and as you ponder your options or your pace, remember to breathe to clear and calm the mind…or slow down so you can breathe and feel the present that is the gift of today. If it sounds too simple to be true, see what happens when you keep yourself (and your mind) open to the possibilities. Surprises are meant to bring us the unexpected. Embracing the unknown is an incredible way to step into the greater power of inner peace.

About Author: Maria C. Camacho, founder of My Health As Wealth, is a nutrition based holistic health coach. Her work is all about showing busy people how to intentionally transform their relationship with food to have greater energy AND health while they safely and effectively manage their weight.


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