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Financial coaching for women may either be a progressive thought or a taboo depending on the kind of culture and perspective one would look at. It will take difficulty on the orientation of most people that financial coaching for women is a natural activity as learning to cook and sew.

For then again, the role of women has been designated to a limited perspective. Time immemorial, women are perceived to be the gentler sex and in some cases the weaker ones. In some culture, women are deemed to be insignificant like children treating them like second-class citizens, deprived of some basic rights like education, freedom for financial management and property ownership. In other cultures, women are deemed to be the light of the family encapsulating their roles as mothers, good for child-bearing and rearing, keeping the house intact, preparing good food and more of the “womanly” responsibilities. But for women to be financially learned and coached?

Well, there is no better time than now for financial coaching for women and getting educated for the following reasons:

  • The contemporary time is an egalitarian period which allows for both women and men to partake of partnership roles in society. While it is in most culture for the man to provide for his family, a woman may choose to earn and assist augment the family income.
  • The accessibility of resources and materials that women can get hold of ever since the advent of the internet is within reach. A mother can be educated right at the comforts of her own living room or home office through online tutorials, online courses, one-on-one mentoring and more.
  • The history of the struggle of women for recognition of their rights and talents has paved way to a mature mindset in most cultures. Both men and women are already acknowledging the contributions of women beyond her home and family. A woman is an active co-creator of her community and the world in general.
  • The challenges of the fast-changing and rapid times call for women to armor themselves to continue growing and progressing. In these times, education will not only prepare women in any changes that are to come but will also inspire and mobilize them. By far, educating themselves will be the best armor for them.

Gone are the days when women should shy away from books pertaining to figures and money matters. This is the time for women to be educated with regards to their finances. Financial coaching for women is the movement for the new age.

About Author: Katie McDonald runs financial coaching for women through one on one coaching sessions and online courses about investing in shares and property. Do not forget to get your copy of Power of 100 featuring Katie McDonald for FREE at

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