We frequently hear good fat and bad fat.  What is the difference?

Good fat and bad fat has been referred to for many years.  Unfortunately, there has been the misnomer since the early 1960’s that saturated fat is a bad fat.  This is simply not true and proven in a study out of Duke University in October of 2009 that saturated fat does not contribute to heart disease.  Good fats not only include the monuounsatures like that of olive oil and avocado but traditional fats like animal proteins, their rendered fats, butters and creams, as well as tropical oils like coconut and palm are also quite healthful. 

The bad fats are hydrogenated, partially hydrogenated and vegetable oils such as corn, safflower, sunflower, soybean and canola.  Healthy fats are stable and vegetable oils are the most unstable fats of all.

Should the majority of my diet be comprised of carbohydrate for energy?

The abundance of carbohydrate in the standard American diet has created an atmosphere of insulin resistance, diabetes, heart disease and cancers.  In biochemistry, it is known that blood sugar control is the answer to good health.  Elevated blood sugars create a host of problems including inflammation, the pre-cursor to most disease.

I hear that vitamins only create expensive urine, is this true?

We are living in a time when our soils are depleted and our animal proteins are not fed a species appropriate diet.  Unless one is consuming all organic food including that of grass fed animal proteins, one needs to supplement.  Water soluble vitamins are utilized by the body and excreted in the urine.  Wouldn’t you rather have expensive urine knowing your body is working efficiently and not deficient?  Fat soluble vitamins, A, D, E and K are stored in tissue for future use.

I am hearing so much about Vitamin D in the news but I’m confused.

Vitamin D was the largest piece of news in 2010.  More than 40% of cancers are said to be avoided with the intake of Vitamin D.    There are receptors on every cell of the human body for vitamin d .  While our absolute best source is from the sun, Cod Liver Oil has been used in winters in previous generations.  Ask your parents and grandparents if Cod Liver Oil was a part of their daily vitamin intake and they’ll turn their noses up with a resounding “yes, I remember”!  If you are not able to take cod liver oil, there are a variety of Vitamin D3 supplements on the market today.  Take note I said “D3”.  This is the correct bio-available form of the supplement made out of lanolin from sheep wool.  You see, D3, or cholecalciferol is actually a sterol hormone made from cholesterol.  It is wise to request a 25-hydroxy test to see what your levels are prior to supplementing with high doses.  If you’re beginning in the winter, a safe beginning dose until you receive test results are 2000IU.  If you are of darker pigmented skin, your need to supplement is greater.  You have been blessed with a “built in sunscreen”.   This makes it more difficult for the sun to penetrate.

My Dr. said my cholesterol is high and wants me to eat a low fat diet

The word cholesterol has become as dirty a word as fat.  Why would something that is naturally made by the human body be referred to as a bad thing?  This is one of the most misunderstood subjects of the last 10 years.  It’s not about the total cholesterol but the composition of all of the numbers.  We want to see our triglycerides low, our HDL high and our LDL rather than a specific number, it’s really about the particle size.  Compare shards of glass to cotton balls.  We want cotton balls.  When your Doctor recommends cholesterol lowering medications, a good idea is to consider your diet first rather than suppress a natural substance in the body.

I don’t have time to exercise and I feel terribly guilty

Let me begin by easing your mind a bit.  If you’re feeling guilty for weight loss purposes, there is a great deal of scientific evidence that shows that weight loss is 90% diet and only 10% exercise.  We are designed to move but don’t let that lack of time make you feel guilty!  We were not designed to run marathons.  Ask anyone who exercises hard and long.  They have joint issues, aches and pains and over exercise can create a great deal of free radicals in the body.  There are many beneficial things one can do during their work day to increase endurance.  Take the stairs, get out of your chair and do a few lunges, keep a couple of free weights at the office, play with the kids at the park!  While the children are playing, do a few sprints across the lawn.  These are all great boosts for the human body.  Again, your food intake is in charge of your physique more than you know! 

About Misty:  As a Certified Holistic Nutrition Educator, Misty Humphrey educates and assists her clients in transitioning to a healthier lifestyle through whole foods eliminating Rx and optimizing health and vitality. Her specialty is weight loss and metabolic disorders.

Website: http://www.free-healthy-diet-plans.com/ 
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