An Interview with Barbara Ehrentreu: Author

Sylvia: I am excited about this interview.  Tell me, what inspired you to write your first book?

Barbara: I took a workshop as a requirement for my Master Degree at Manhattan Ville College with Paula Danziger. As a part of this workshop, we had to write 3 chapters of a children’s book.  So, I used the experiences of my youngest daughter for the story. Paula helped me revise the pages and she urged me to continue writing it. I did and she actually was able to read a part of it at a Society for Children’s Writers and Illustrators Conference and gave me some suggestions. I dedicated my book to her.

Sylvia: Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

Barbara: Yes, and I hope every girl who reads it gets that message. People should appreciate who they are and not try to be someone else. Also, nothing is important enough to destroy your health.

Sylvia: Do you have any advice for other writers?

Barbara: My advice for other writers is to keep writing and revising; and submitting their work to various publishers. Be persistent and persevere. Don’t give up!

Sylvia: Why should we buy your book?

Barbara: Everyone who has read my book loves it. It seems to appeal not only to girls ages 10 -14, but to older women, boys and men. It has received only 4 and 5 star ratings and the reviews say you must read it. I think that’s a pretty good reason to buy my book.

Sylvia: Is there a special place that you prefer when you write?

Barbara: I can write pretty much anywhere, but I like to write on my laptop on my desk.

Sylvia: What is your POWER WORD?  Why this word? (A power word is a word that has great effect to the person hearing or reading it. My power word is EMPOWER)

Barbara: I guess my power word is PERSEVERE. No matter what I just keep going!

Sylvia: Do you have another book ready for publishing? 

Barbara: I am glad you asked me that question. I have a Young Adult ‘YA’ novel about a girl who is fifteen called, When My Life Changed, which is about what happens when her father has a heart attack and bypass surgery. It is how it changes her life and the relationships in her life.

Sylvia: Are there any authors that you admire? 

Barbara: Oh yes!  My favorite authors are John Irving, Richard Russo.

Sylvia: Barbara, it’s been a pleasure. Please tell us how to order your book?

Barbara:  Thank you, Sylvia. Sure, my contact is as follows.


How to purchase book: If I Could Be Like Jennifer Taylor – available from MuseItUp PublishingAmazon, Kindle, Nook.


Radio:  Red River Writers Live Tales from the Pages,–tales-from-the-pages-with-

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