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A landing page a single web page whose main purpose is to have a call to action (CTA), usually your website visitor’s contact information.  These pages are often used in social media e-zines, and ads.

Landing pages are often used to:

  • Build your email list by having visitors opt-in to get your free offer
  • As the web page you send those you met at an networking event
  • As the web page you send those whom you gave your business card to
  • As the web page you send those who you gave marketing materials at a particular trade show
  • As registration for a webinar or teleseminar
  • As a way to organize content on a particular topic

Your landing page should have only one call to action.  You do not want to distract your audience by having several things available for them to do.  This is a targeted, focused action you want them to take.

The key to a successful landing page is:

1. Headline:  You’ve got a few seconds to catch their attention.  If you headline is subpar, your visitors will move on.

2. Benefits:  What are the benefits they will receive for taking the action you want them to?

3. Video: There’s no better way to connect with your website visitors than with a video.

4. Design:  Keep it simple.  This isn’t the time to have bells and whistles.  The focus should be on the call to action.

5. Call to action button (if applicable):  Your call to action button should stand out.  Please don’t use the word submit or subscribe.  There are enough things we submit and subscribe to.

6. Tell ‘em what you want: Don’t assume it’s obvious to your website visitors what it is you want them to do.  Make it easy for them and spell everything out.

Do you use landing pages?  If so, how?


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