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Earning a living is hard work and can be all-consuming at times. For entrepreneurs and small business owners, this is especially true. Even people who absolutely love their jobs will have bad days and go through stressful time spans. Finding simple ways to cope can mean the difference between pushing through with determination and completely burning out.

Take a few minutes to look at these eight ways to keep your career sanity in check, and be healthier in the process:

Work out. You don’t need a gym membership to cash in on the boost endorphins bring. Exercise is not only good for your physical health but brings mental clarity too. Schedule walks around your neighborhood, morning Yoga or weight training with a friend. Prioritize this portion of your well-being, and your work will improve too.

Unplug. Whenever possible, walk away from your electronics – even if it is just for a few minutes. Walk to the office cafeteria with a friend and leave your phone behind. Step away from your computer for five minutes to go get some fresh air (sans phone). Allow yourself to disconnect for small pockets of time in order to feel rejuvenated upon your return.

Get a mani-pedi. Having someone massage your feet and hands and make them look beautiful is an instant confidence boost. If professional mani-pedi services aren’t in your budget, carve out a little time every week to do it yourself. Every working woman deserves some pampering and an added bonus is that it will make you look more professional and put together too.

Give in to guilty pleasures. It’s okay to not be using every part of your brain at every second of the day. Sometimes checking out for a while and escaping into a fictional realm can be very relaxing. Have a good book on hand, or set aside time for your favorite TV show each week. Even just cranking up some music and dancing around your house can be really invigorating.

Get on social media. It is true that too much social media usage can cause angst, but a little bit of it is fun. Social media is a great tool to market your business, but it is also a place for non-work release. If your workplace allows social media sites, log in on your breaks to see what everyone is up to. Pin things that you like to your boards, and check your notifications to see who has “liked” anything on your page.

Sleep. Prioritize sleep if you can. This is harder for working parents with young children, but do your best. Experts say that people should value sleep just as much as eating healthy food and getting enough exercise. For adults, adequate sleep is at least 7 consecutive hours. Some late nights are inevitable but be sure that you consistently get enough Zzzzs to be the most productive on the job.

Take a shower. There is something healing about hot water, either at the end or the beginning, of your workday that just puts things into perspective. It’s also a great time to be alone, and unplugged, in order to think about what needs to be accomplished.

Plan for a real vacation. Just thinking about an upcoming getaway can make you happier and can make work tasks seem more bearable. When you have pockets of time in your workday, look up some of the activities you want to do on your next trip, or the places you want to stop and eat. Touch base with your travel agent or see what flight fares look like going to your destination. Envision that next break and you will find the willpower to work hard to make it happen.


How do you stay sane in your career?


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