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Sounds a little harsh, yes, however, when I’m looking for information or a product and I think I found it and your website has one or more of these five issues, it just makes me click away. Getting traffic to your site is one thing, but making sure potential customers engage with your site and covert is the ultimate goal. Do not make these costly mistakes on your website.

1.  No Cross Browser Functionality.

It is a fact that the majority of internet users in the United States use Microsoft’s Internet Explorer also known as IE. However, some of us don’t. Your website should render correctly in all major browsers – Chrome, Safari and Firefox at the very least. You never know what browser a potential customer is using, so why not make sure that your website can perform across multiple platforms. Check your site to ensure it has this critical functionality. A free tool to see how your site renders in multiple browsers is Browser Shots.

2.  Music.

Yes, music. It’s matter of personal opinion; but I don’t like hearing music as soon as I navigate to a website, unless that’s what the site is about. Have you ever been to a site where each time you choose a different website page the song starts over and over and over, I find that quite annoying. The first thing I do is select pause or stop if I can find it, other times I just go leave the site. I believe music is massively distracting to your potential customer. We’re there to find additional information about your products and services, not necessarily be entertained. By playing music you’re distracting me (not creating ambience) from your objective – engaging with your site and/or buying your services and products.

3.  Broken Links.

We all at some point have website issues whether it’s our web host or the website infrastructure itself. You should periodically check your site for broken links.  There’s nothing worse than thinking you found exactly what you need, only to select the link and you get a 404 error.  A great free tool to use is’s Validator to check for broken links; this site works on all website platforms from html to php.

4.  Blurry or Distorted Images.

We all are not graphic designers, but you know when you’re using an image that isn’t up to standard on your website. Take time to make your website’s images reflective of you and your brand. Yes, it make take you a little time but in the end the pay off is so much better than throwing up substandard images.  Don’t have the tools, no problem here’s a list of Free Graphic Design Tools to use.  Think of it this way, if you were shopping at Target, and your favorite brand ____ had a distorted or blurry image on all the product packaging would you still buy it? Something to think about.

5.  Can’t Find Your Contact Information.

Your site is perfect, just what I need. I’m looking to connect with you and I’m searching and searching, and I can’t find your contact information. I know it sounds pretty basic, but I’ve been on a number of sites where after a minute or two of searching, I give up.  Have your contact information prominently displayed on your site and I also in multiple places, ie header, footer, contact page.  Additionally, have a variety of ways you can be contacted via your website. Remember everyone has different preferences in the way the choose to communicate.  Some people would rather call versus completing a form while others prefer direct email addresses.  Making sure your contact information can be easily found along with a variety of ways you can be contacted will ensure you’re not missing out on an opportunity.

Bottom line is make sure your potential customer can easily navigate your site with minimal distractions and obtain the product or service that they want from your business.


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